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It's Your Chance To Test God

Although testing God with complaining, rebellion, and unbelief is wrong, testing His faithfulness with our obedience is not. In the book of...

Is Tithing For Today

Some have asked the question, “Is tithing for today?” In Matthew 23:23, Jesus said, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!..

The First Offerings

Many opponents emphasize that tithing and giving offerings to the Lord was a part of the old covenant and ended with Jesus’ atoning act on the cross...

A Gift Fit For A King

I have found it to be true that people will treat you in the same manner that you treat yourself. As a result of this truth, there are certain kinds...

Turning Ability Into Productivity

Once you begin to produce the wealth that God has promised you, don’t ever forget who gave you the ability. Remember, if God had not...

What Do You Value Most

Do you realize that your giving to God what is rightfully His (tithe) opens the windows of heaven to provide for you everything that you need?

Don't Eat Your Seed

The average person who gets laid off from their job will be completely poor, broke, and/or homeless, within two to three months without receiving any further income or assistance.

Why Would God Want To Make Me Rich

God does not delight in seeing His children suffering from hunger, thirst, and poverty. You are not more spiritual because you can’t pay your rent...

The Blessing of the Tithe

In Malachi 3:10-12, we are promised that when we bring the whole tithe (10%) into the church, then God will take care of those who serve as ministers in the church...

Debt: Is It A Trick or Treat?

All of us have found ourselves at a store wanting something that we know we couldn’t afford. It is human nature to want something and want it now, but it can also be a sign of immaturity.

It’s Payback Time

All of us have found ourselves at a store wanting something that we know we couldn’t afford. It is human nature to want something and want it now, but it can also be a sign of immaturity.

Giving that Gets God’s Attention

Jesus is just as concerned about what we give today, as he was when he walked on the earth. He was so interested in what people gave that...

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90 Day Tithe Challenge Registration
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